{"totalElements":7,"totalPages":1,"number":1,"sort":{"unsorted":true,"sorted":true,"empty":true},"size":"10","content":[{"id":771,"name":"Victim Support Scotland","description":"An independent charity, we provide support and information to people affected by crime and campaign for victim and witness rights. Regardless of whether a crime has been reported or when it happened, our services are free, confidential and tailored to individuals\u2019 needs.\r\nOur services are available to everyone, regardless of age, disability, sex, gender identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.\r\n","email":"","url":"","logo":"","uri":"","services":[{"id":772,"name":"Victim Support","description":"Victim Support is an independent charity, we provide support and information to people affected by crime and campaign for victim and witness rights. Regardless of whether a crime has been reported or when it happened, our services are free, confidential and tailored to individuals\u2019 needs.\r\nOur services are available to everyone, regardless of age, disability, sex, gender identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.\r\n
Service Scope:
- Safety Planning
\r\n- Emotional support
\r\n- Practical support
\r\n- Referral to other relevant agencies
\r\n- Support with court processes
\r\n- Court familiarisation visits
\r\n- Support to attend court
\r\n","email":"victimsupport.aberdeen@victimsupportsco.org.uk","url":"","status":"active","accreditations":"","assured_date":"2023-09-15T09:49:18+00:00","deliverable_type":"court support","attending_type":"in-person"}]},{"id":748,"name":"Aberdeen City Domestic Abuse Team","description":"The Domestic Abuse Team offers voluntary confidential support to women and men who have or are currently experiencing any forms of domestic abuse.","email":"DomesticAbuseTeam@aberdeencity.gov.uk","url":"","logo":"","uri":"","services":[{"id":756,"name":"Aberdeen City Domestic Abuse Team","description":"The Domestic Abuse Team offers voluntary confidential support to women and men who have or are currently experiencing any forms of domestic abuse.
Service Scope:
- Safety Planning
\r\n- Emotional support
\r\n- Practical support
\r\n- Advice and information
\r\n- Referral to other relevant agencies
\r\n- Crisis intervention
\r\n- Support with legal processes
\r\n- Support to attend court
\r\n- Accommodation issues
\r\n","email":"DomesticAbuseTeam@aberdeencity.gov.uk","url":"","status":"active","accreditations":"","assured_date":"2023-09-15T11:59:52+00:00","deliverable_type":"court support","attending_type":"in-person"}]},{"id":750,"name":"Aberdeen Cyrenians","description":"EVAA offers support for women experiencing gender-based abuse including physical, emotional, financial or sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, human trafficking and coercive control, and support for women, men and families (or people) experiencing domestic abuse. ","email":"hello@weareac.org","url":"","logo":"","uri":"","services":[{"id":767,"name":"EVAA Inclusive","description":"EVAA Inclusive can provide specialist support for any member of the LGBTQ+ community 16+ affected by domestic abuse, violence or hate crimes, and offer information and support on a person-to-person basis promoting personal growth and improved well-being. Our services strive to support any LGBTQ+ person to live free from violence, prejudice and discrimination.
Service Scope:
- Supporting people to remain safely in their own accommodation
\r\n- Support to identify alternative accommodation, including access to Aberdeen City Council's Housing and Homelessness service
\r\n- Supporting those with no recourse to public funds to access safe accommodation
\r\n- Safety planning
\r\n- Emotional and practical support
\r\n- Providing personal and home security items
\r\n- Crisis intervention
\r\n- Advocacy
\r\n- Referral to other agencies","email":"evaa@weareac.org","url":"https:\/\/www.weareac.org\/evaa-i","status":"active","accreditations":"","assured_date":"2023-09-12T09:00:41+00:00","deliverable_type":"domestic abuse support","attending_type":"in-person"},{"id":764,"name":"Strength for Tomorrow","description":"The Strength for Tomorrow service offers trauma-informed care and support to adults 16+ whose lives have been affected by childhood abuse. The service aims to support and promote the wellbeing of survivors of childhood abuse by offering person-centred care and therapeutic interventions in a safe and secure environment.\r\n\r\nThose who have survived childhood abuse can experience lasting effects through their adult lives. Having your trust broken in early life can lead to difficulties in forming and maintaining positive relationships, can lead to the use of unhealthy and chaotic coping mechanisms, such as drug and alcohol use and can lead to difficulties in managing emotions.
Service Scope:
- a safe space
\r\n- one to one support with a key worker
\r\n- access to trauma-informed support
\r\n- support with anxiety and emotional stability
\r\n- practical support with finance, housing and debt management issues
\r\n- signposting and connections to other agencies","email":"strength@wearesft.org","url":"https:\/\/www.weareac.org\/strength","status":"active","accreditations":"","assured_date":"2023-09-12T09:02:15+00:00","deliverable_type":"emotional support","attending_type":"in-person"},{"id":757,"name":"Ending Violence and Abuse Aberdeen (EVAA)","description":"EVAA offers support for women 16+ experiencing gender-based abuse including physical, emotional, financial or sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, human trafficking and coercive control, and support for women, and families (or people) experiencing domestic abuse.
Service Scope:
- Supporting people to remain safely in their own accommodation
\r\n- Support to identify alternative accommodation, including access to Aberdeen City Council's Housing and Homelessness service
\r\n- Supporting those with no recourse to public funds to access safe accommodation
\r\n- Safety planning
\r\n- Emotional and practical support
\r\n- Providing personal and home security items
\r\n- Crisis intervention
\r\n- Advocacy
\r\n- Referral to other agencies
\r\n","email":"hello@weareac.org","url":"","status":"active","accreditations":"","assured_date":"2023-10-24T09:40:14+00:00","deliverable_type":"domestic abuse support","attending_type":"in-person"}]},{"id":749,"name":"Advocacy Service Aberdeen","description":"Advocacy Service Aberdeen provides an independent advocacy service for victims of domestic abuse. We prioritise work with people referred to a MARAC (multi-agency risk assessment conference).","email":"","url":"http:\/\/www.advocacy.org.uk\/","logo":"","uri":"","services":[{"id":753,"name":"Advocacy Service Aberdeen","description":"Advocacy Service Aberdeen provides an independent advocacy service for victims of domestic abuse delivered by trained Independent Domestic Abuse Advocates (IDAA). We prioritise work with people referred to a MARAC (multi-agency risk assessment conference). People are referred to MARAC because of serious concerns about their safety as a result of domestic abuse.
Service Scope:
- Free and confidential, independent advocacy service
\r\n- Information on rights
\r\n- Safety planning
\r\n- Support to attend meetings
\r\n- Support to liaise with other professional supports
\r\n- Interpreting services
\r\n- Providing safety equipment","email":"kelly@advocacy.org.uk","url":"https:\/\/www.advocacy.org.uk\/","status":"active","accreditations":"","assured_date":"2023-09-28T14:56:29+00:00","deliverable_type":"emotional support","attending_type":"in-person","attending_access":"by appointment"}]},{"id":747,"name":"Rape Crisis Grampian","description":"Rape Crisis Grampian provides support to people over the age of 13 years who have been subjected to sexual violence at any time in their lives","email":"info@rapecrisisgrampian.co.uk","url":"","logo":"","uri":"","services":[{"id":276,"name":"Rape Crisis Grampian","description":"Rape Crisis Grampian (RCG) provides free support to people, over the age of 11 years, who have been subjected to sexual violence at any time in their lives.\r\n\r\nWe offer a variety of support which is led by the individuals\u2019 needs and particular circumstance. The support is provided by trained, paid and volunteer support workers, in a safe environment which offers the individual the space and time to talk about their experience without being judged.
Service Scope:
- Person led
\r\n- Emotional and practical support
\r\n- Support to report assault and\/or throughout criminal justice system
\r\n- Support survivors to make contact with legal services
\r\n- Trauma-informed support
\r\n- Sign-posting to relevant services i.e. housing, mental health, financial services","email":"info@rcgrampian.co.uk","url":"https:\/\/www.rcgrampian.co.uk\/","status":"active","accreditations":"","assured_date":"2023-09-15T12:00:47+00:00","deliverable_type":"court support","attending_type":"in-person"}]},{"id":609,"name":"Grampian Women\u2019s Aid","description":"Grampian Women\u2019s Aid offers a free, confidential and non-judgemental, specialist service to women, children and young people in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire who have experienced domestic abuse.","email":"grampian@women.com","url":"https:\/\/google.com","logo":"","uri":"","services":[{"id":86,"name":"Grampian Women's Aid","description":"Grampian Women's Aid offers free, confidential specialist service to women, children and young people in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire who have experienced domestic abuse.
Service Scope:
- Practical and emotional support
\r\n- Temporary accommodation
\r\n- Advice and information about rights
\r\n- Support for children and young people
\r\n- Advocacy
\r\n- Assessment of support needs
\r\n- Person led support planning
\r\n- Tenancy advice and support
\r\n- Access and referral for legal services
\r\n- Signposting \/ referrals to other agencies and services","email":"info@grampian-womens-aid.com","url":"https:\/\/www.grampian-womens-aid.com\/","status":"active","accreditations":"","assured_date":"2023-09-15T12:00:37+00:00","deliverable_type":"domestic abuse support","attending_type":"in-person"}]},{"id":554,"name":"FearFree","description":"Support for people experiencing domestic abuse in Scotland who identify as a man or from the LGBT+ community.","email":"infoaberdeen@sacro.org.uk","url":"https:\/\/fearfree.scot","logo":"","uri":"","services":[{"id":183,"name":"FearFree (SACRO)","description":"Fearfree is a support service for any man, or LGBTI+ person experiencing domestic abuse. FearFree workers can offer a range of support including safety planning, emotional support, advocacy, mentoring, and practical support with housing, employment\/education, and assistance to access appropriate benefits.
Service Scope:
- Dedicated case workers
\r\n- Mentoring
\r\n- Healthcare support
\r\n- Emotional and practical support
\r\n- Safety planning
\r\n- Addictions assistance
\r\n- Support to access benefits
\r\n","email":"infoaberdeen@sacro.org.uk","url":"https:\/\/fearfree.scot\/make-a-referral","status":"active","accreditations":"","assured_date":"2023-09-05T15:41:27+00:00","deliverable_type":"emotional support","attending_type":"in-person","attending_access":"by appointment"}]}],"numberOfElements":7,"last":true,"pageable":{"sort":{"unsorted":true,"sorted":true,"empty":true},"offset":0,"paged":true,"unpaged":false,"pageSize":"10","pageNumber":1},"first":true,"empty":false}